Carolyn Weston grew up in Hollywood during the Depression. She played hooky from school in movie theaters and libraries, honing the craft that would make her books so remarkable. During World War II, she worked in an aircraft plant and then did odd jobs around the country before writing Poor Poor Ophelia, the first Al Krug / Casey Kellog police procedural… which became the hit TV series The Streets of San Francisco. Two more books in the series, every bit as good as Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct and just as memorable, followed and all three are proudly being published by Brash Books.
Die turbulenten 1970er – eine Zeit des gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs. Al Krug, ein erfahrener Detective der Mordkommission, empfindet den Generationenkonflikt seit der Zuteilung seines neuen Partners noch größer und bedrohlicher als je zuvor. Der Thriller-Bestseller, auf dem die Erfolgsserie DIE STRASSEN VON SAN FRANCISCO basiert
Weston writes smoothly, inserts some well-observed vignettes, and uses a good deal of sharp dialogue
Weston has a hard-hitting style that is eminently readable