Read by J. Rodney Turner
“Great fun. Damn fine writing. Jack Reacher with a bow and arrow. Prose beautiful and forceful. Like a clean punch to the jaw.” Phoef Sutton, Emmy-award winning writer of CHEERS and NY Times bestselling author of WICKED CHARMS
The first Wyatt Storme novel. Storme is hunting in Missouri when he stumbles upon a hidden field of marijuana…and becomes embroiled in a deadly conspiracy of corruption, drug-trafficking and organized crime.
As much joyful bashing as it is "Red Harvest" on uppers, though completely innocent of Hammett's dark vision. Fighting the good fight has seldom been so much atavistic fun
Storme is one of my all-time favorite series characters, up there with Spenser and Dave Robicheaux
Great fun. Damn fine writing. Jack Reacher with a bow and arrow. Prose beautiful and forceful. Like a clean punch to the jaw.