Posts Tagged: Maltese Falcon

Andy Straka is the author of the award-winning and beloved Frank Pavlicek series... about an ex-NYPD cop who becomes a PI and falconer in Virginia... which kicks off with our new Brash Books' releases of  A Witness Above and A Killing Sky. Here he talks about how he created the series... How did I fall into this gig anyway? All I ever wanted to do was write the world's greatest private eye novels and have someone pay me gazillions of dollars to live happily ever after. But I had two problems. Problem number one: How could I possibly contribute anything new to such a classic private eye genre replete with masterful voices? Problem number two: Private eye novels most often feature... more

Read More of Andy Straka: A Bird’s Eye View of the Private Eye Genre

Criss Cross by author Tom Kakonis

Don Herron is a crime fiction reviewer and an acknowledged expert on the hardboiled greats Dashiell Hammett and Charles Willeford, two authors that are hard to match, much less top. But now he says there's a writer on the scene who is in the same league... Okay, so you’ve read Hammett and you’ve read Raymond Chandler, and you still want more great hardboiled writing. I’m not going to give a personal recommendation to a lot more, but then I’m tough. I think the novels The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity by James M. Cain and Thieves Like Us by Edward Anderson are great. You won’t go wrong reading the crime novels of the black ex-patriat writer Chester... more

Read More of Tom Kakonis: The Best Hardboiled Writer Working Today