This beloved, comedy-noir thriller teams up Leo Bloodworth, a hard-drinking, middle-aged Los Angeles PI with hypertension and a low tolerance for precious teenagers, with Serendipity Dahlquist, a bright and strong-willed roller-blading 14-year-old searching for her lost dog. But things quickly escalate, plunging the oddest of odd couples into the dark underworld of sunny Southern California and pitting them against one of the biggest, and most brutal, organized crime families in Mexico.
What a tale it is . . . funny, fresh, a winner
Outclasses, in many ways, the tales of Raymond Chandler, Ross Macdonald and other renowned California mystery writers
Arresting entertainment . . . Balancing violence and humor is no easy feat. Yet Lochte has done it, and done it well
Few capture California better
A first novel that is original, that moves alertly along; that has considerable charm as well as action; that has believable characters and elegant writing; that has moments of high humor and some black humor